

Synapsys LIFE Assessment

The Synapsys LIFE Assessment is a biometric assessment meant for young students and helps them (their parents as well as teachers) in identifying their innate abilities and propensities, on the basis of which they can achieve true learning and make intelligent choices while selecting subjects, planning careers and professions.

Doors Synapsys, with its team of professional psychologists and counselors, helps individuals seeking insight into their innate traits and capabilities. The information revealed through dermatoglyphics multiple intelligence testing has significance through-out the life-span of an individual as the innate of any individual remains intact from the pre-natal stages of life till the end. Thus, our life assessment helps a child in identifying his/her: The counseling sessions that would follow the LIFE assessment would help the child in gaining an insight about his/her behaviour, abilities, skills and exploring his/her potential.
Psychometric tests
Psychometric tests are concerned with the objective measurement of skills, knowledge, abilities, attitudes, personality traits, and educational achievement. These include:
Synapsys Career Guidance Assessment:
The purpose of this assessment is to assist an individual in selecting the most appropriate career pathways which suit not only his/her aptitude but also his/her temperament and natural propensities.
Synapsys Aptitude Assessment - Engineering domain:
The purpose of this assessment is to assist an individual in selecting the most appropriate career pathways specific to engineering domain which suit not only his/her aptitude but also his/her temperament and natural propensities.
Synapsys Aptitude Assessment - Humanities domain:
The purpose of this assessment is to assist an individual in selecting the most appropriate career pathways specific to humanities domain which suit not only his/her aptitude but also his/her temperament and natural propensities.
Synapsys Aptitude Assessment - Commerce domain:
The purpose of this assessment is to assist an individual in selecting the most appropriate career pathways specific to commerce domain which suit not only his/her aptitude but also his/her temperament and natural propensities.
Synapsys Aptitude Assessment - Medical/Life Sciences domain:
The purpose of this assessment is to assist an individual in selecting the most appropriate career pathways specific to medical/life sciences domain which suit not only his/her aptitude but also his/her temperament and natural propensities.
Synapsys Stream Choice Identifier Report (Recommended for students of classes 9th & 10th:
The purpose of this assessment is to assist a student in 9th and 10th classes in selecting the most appropriate stream which suits not only his/her aptitude but also his/her temperament and natural propensities.

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Synapsys Professional Interpretive Analysis ( SPIA)

Our products are based on sound research and incorporate a judicious combination of biometric and psychometric methodologies to facilitate the evaluation of innate as well as developed traits.

The SPIA provides an accurate insight into how people behave at work, how they align themselves in a team, how they learn and their chances of success in their respective roles.

The SPIA will help individuals in understanding their innate and developed strengths, limitations, levels of motivation, ability in handling detailed work, training needs, etc.

Multiple Intelligences, Innate quotients, Brain Dominance, Learning Methods and Training Needs are the aspects that are taking into consideration during the SPI Analysis.


Recruitment Retention and Improvement Analysis (RRI)

RRI is a reliable and scientifically validated tool. It has been scientifically developed to identify and predict the behaviour of individuals in organizations. This report gives individuals an accurate description of the ways in which they generally respond to different situations, challenges and commitments that they are faced with on a daily basis.

The RRIA report gives important and valuable information about behavioural preferences, motivating factors, strengths and developmental areas of individuals, as well as the manner in which they may adapt their behaviour to meet the demands of their environment.


The following psychometric tests can be taken by individuals of all ages.

Personality Test

Personality type of an individual is a collection of personality traits which are thought to occur together consistently, especially as determined by a certain pattern of responses to a personality inventory. This test helps an individual to know whether he/she is-

Learning Modalities Test

Learning modalities are the sensory channels or pathways through which individuals give, receive, and store information. Perception, memory, and sensation comprise the concept of modality. This test helps an individual in knowing to what extent he/she uses the visual, auditory and kinesthetic styles of learning.

Brain Dominance Test

Brain dominance of an individual indicates his/her natural preference for processing information on one side of the brain. The right side is considered the intuitive or spontaneous side, while the left side is logical. This test helps an individual in knowing the percentage of utilization of left and right brain functions.

Multiple Intelligences Test

According to 'The Theory of Multiple Intelligences' by Howard Gardner, we are all able to know the world through language, logical-mathematical analysis, spatial representation, musical thinking, the use of the body to solve problems or to make things, an understanding of other individuals, and an understanding of ourselves. Where individuals differ is in the strength of these intelligences and in the ways in which such intelligences are invoked and combined to carry out different tasks, solve diverse problems, and progress in various domains. This test helps an individual in knowing the percentage of each of these eight intelligences:

IQ or Intelligence Quotient Test

IQ is a measure of a person’s reasoning ability. There are 3 IQ tests based on the level of difficulty. Know your IQ score by taking this test.

EQ or Emotional Quotient Test

EQ is the ability of individuals to recognize their own and other people's emotions, to discriminate between different feelings and label them appropriately, and to use emotional information to guide thinking and behavior. Know your level of EQ by taking this test.

CQ or Creativity Quotient Test

CQ is a measure of creative intelligence which is the ability to go beyond the existing to create novel and interesting ideas. Creative people come up with ideas that are like undervalued stocks, which are generally rejected by the public at large. Know your level of CQ by taking this test.

AQ or Adversity Quotient Test

AQ is a measure of the ability of a person to deal with adversities. Know your level of AQ by taking this test.

Locus of Control Test

Locus of control refers to the extent to which individuals believe they can control events that influence their lives.

Individuals with an internal locus of control believe in their own ability to control themselves and influence the world around them. They see their future as being in their own hands and that their own choices lead to success or failure.

Individuals with an external locus of control believe that control over events in what other people do is outside them, and that they personally have little or no control over such things. They may even believe that others have control over them and that they can do nothing but obey.

This test helps an individual in knowing he/she is high on internal or external locus of control.

Leadership Test

An effective leader is someone who is able to inspire or influence others towards a common goal. Different leaders have different styles of working and in different environments. Advantages and disadvantages exist within each leadership style. Take this test to know the kind of leader you are/would be, and ways of making a better leader.

Personal Compatibility Test

Personal Compatibility Test is a biometric test to identify the level of compatibility or the kind of social as well as work relationship between two individuals based on their personality type. The report also gives suggestions of ways to enhance the relationship between the individuals.