Q1. What is the relationship between Finger Prints and the Human brain?

In the earlier days, American doctors discovered a strange case where a baby was born without a brain. In this case, the absence of the brain was associated with the absence of fingerprints as well. More such cases like were observed throughout history, leading medical experts to believe that the brain is absolutely linked to the fingerprints.

Neurobiologists point out that the development of our fingerprints is synchronized with that of the neocortex

Canadian neurologist, Professor Penfield published a chart relating the different regions in the brain to bodily functions. In the chart, the relationship between fingerprints and the various regions in the brain is also pointed out.

Q2. Is dermatoglyphics a form of fortune telling?

Absolutely not. Palmistry or Chiromancy is the divination of the future through the interpretation of lines of the palms, whereas Dermatoglyphics Multiple Intelligence is the science of comparing, analyzing and classifying the patterns of the skin grains and ridges of each person’s fingerprints. This analysis does tell about the future,, potential, and preferred learning and communication styles. The information contained in the Dermatoglyphics but rather gives a comprehensive insight of one’s innate intelligence distributionsAnalysis will not change with age, unlike the ones used by fortune-tellers.

Q3. What is the science of Dermatoglyphics?

Dermatoglyphics refers to the branch of science which studies the patterns of skin (dermal) ridges present on human fingers, toes and the soles. Each one’s dermatoglyphics patternsare unique and unalterable. These reveal the congenital links between our fingers and our intrinsic qualities i.e. our strengths and weaknesses.

Q4. How old is the study dermatoglyphics?

The study of dermatoglyphics emerged way back in the year 1788.

Q5. How reliable are our assessments?

We are affiliated to the International Test Commission. This affiliation indicates the reliability and validity of our tests.

Q6. Is there any reference material to authenticate the reliability of the test?

Yes. The reference is as follows:
Finger Prints, Palms and Soles
An Introduction to Dermatoglyphics
Edited byHarold Cummins, PH.D., Charles Midlo, M.D.
New Orleans August 9, 1943

Q7. How accurate is the Dermatoglyphics Multiple Intelligences Test?

Dermatoglyphics is the professional tool that combines neurology, genetics and embryology.Fingerprints patterns are not random, they are arranged according to genetic makeup and are sometimes influenced by the environment of the embryo between the 13th and 21st week of life.

Multiple Intelligence tests are scientifically proven, the data acquisition is computerized and the accuracy rate is more than 80%.

Q8.What does the theory of Multiple Intelligence say and what is its purpose?

The theory of MI was developed by Harvard University psychologist Howard Gardner and first appeared in Frames of Mind: The Theory of Multiple Intelligences (Gardner, 1983). This theory challenges the traditional notion that intelligence is a single capacity possessed by every individual to a greater or lesser extent. Armed with research evidence, Gardner presents the idea of existence of eight types of intelligences that result in a unique cognitive profile for each individual. Therefore, the purpose of the theory lies in recognizing the plurality of intelligences and the manifold ways in which human individual may exhibit them.

Q9. What is DMIA (Dermatoglyphics Multiple Intelligence Analysis) & How can the assessment benefit children and parents in choosing the right line and deciding the right method of education?

DMIA is the study of the patterns on fingers. These patterns are unique and are heavily linked with one's genetic composition and are closely related to our nervous system that can reveal our intrinsic qualities and talents. Analysis of these patterns facilitates teachers, parents and the child with the precise and accurate insight into the child.

Q10. According to the theory, how is the perceived IQ different from one’s actual intelligence?

IQ involves predominantly two forms of intelligences, i.e. linguistic symbolization and logical-mathematical symbolization (Gardner & Hatch, 1989). There are six other types of intelligences as proposed by the theory of multiple intelligence such as interpersonal, intrapersonal, visual/spatial, musical, kinesthetic, naturalistic intelligence which complete the definition of intelligence. IQ according to Gardner (1993) is only a one-dimensional view and a lot more lies outside IQ in intelligence, namely EQ, AQ and CQ.These help in measuring the following:
  • EQ: Emotionality Quotient involves managing one’s emotions with one’s own self and others
  • CQ: Creativity Quotients is the extent of creative intelligence in a person
  • AQ: Adversity Quotient is the capacity to perform under adverse or stressful conditions

Q11.How far can relationships, be it with colleagues, boss or juniors at office or with spouse and parents at home, be made better by a multiple intelligence assessment?

Identification of distribution of multiple intelligences in a person helps in the understanding of his/her own self and also helps others related to him/her to gain insight into one’s personality, distribution of intelligences, acquiring styles, learning methods which helps in forming better relationships in the following ways:
  • Bridging the gap of miscommunication
  • Distribution of micro and macro responsibilities